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Welcome To We Be Funkey

UB FunkeysWelcome to the WeBeFunkey blog. When I first saw U.B. Funkeys, I knew that these were toys that I... uh... my 5 year old son had to have. Combining a cool vinyl collectable figure with a virtual world filled with games and activities is a great idea. It's such a great idea that it's being done for every toy that's getting made lately. You've got Webkinz, Neopets and Shining Stars and even Barbie and Hot Wheels are getting in on the whole virtual world thing.

But what makes U.B. Funkeys different, is that they're cool sci-fi looking characters that are perfect for boys and their Dads.

So as my son and I learn all the ins and outs of Funkeys Town and how to avoid Master Lox's evil henchmen, I'll post about it here.

Any questions or comments can be sent to: FunkeyDad[at]gmail[dot]com


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